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6 Home Maintenance Tips for Spring

Home Roof

Spring is off to a slow start this year in Michigan, with snow and freezing temperatures hanging around in April! Nevertheless, the trees are budding, the birds are back, and homeowners across the state are pulling out tools and planning for repairs and home improvements to come soon.

If you’re doing the same, make sure to consider the following checklist of critical spring home repair jobs:

Empty and Repair Gutters

Your gutters should be cleaned out, so they’re able to handle the heavy rains and organic clutter that come with the spring thaw. If you find your gutters are loose, leaking, or sagging the gutters will need to be repaired or replaced promptly to keep water away from your home.

Watch your Drainage

Once you’re done with your gutters, check your downspouts and other drainage around your home. Any low areas in your yard or near your foundation should be filled to promote proper water damage and stop yard flooding. If you see water pooling over your grass, grab some compacted soil and start adding it in to restore a good slope.

Faucets and Hoses

Check outside hoses and faucets for damage, making sure that they have strong water pressure and the pipes or connections are normal. Garden hoses left outside may also have dry rot, so keep an eye out.

Change Air Filters

Take a look at your HVAC system and consider scheduling a cleaning or service of your equipment—especially the AC unit. At minimum though, spring is a great time to change your filter and help clean out some of the stale dust that builds up during the cold months.

Pressure Wash and Repair Paint

Give your home’s exterior a quick power wash and watch for any chipped or peeling paint. These areas should be scraped clean and spot painted to keep moisture out and prevent rotting. The process will keep your home looking great too.

Check your Roof

Shingles can be lost, worn out, or otherwise damaged over the long winter. If your home is older, it may be time to start planning for a roof replacement—especially as summer heat and sun can accelerate damage and let water into your home. You’ll also want to check flashing around plumbing vents, skylights, and chimneys.

If you notice any damage, or if you want a professional’s help, feel free to call the Grand Rapids MI roofing experts at Amber Valley. We’ve seen it all, and can give you a fair quote or just an informed opinion based on what we find.

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