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Home Remodeling: When You Need a Permit & When You Don’t
April 30, 2018
Deck Grain
Decks 101
May 29, 2018

When to Remodel your Home, and When to Move

Few are able to buy the home of their dreams off the bat. Instead, most of us look at what’s available on the market and choose the best possible option for our needs, with the understanding that no home is entirely perfect and changes, repairs, updates, moves, and renovations are just part of the home owning process.

But if you are thinking about the space you really want (the dream kitchen or perfect bathroom or a guestroom with a hidden door) and you find yourself torn between moving to a new home that better suits your needs and dreams, or remodeling the home you have piece by piece until it’s what you always dreamed, you’ll find it can be a tough—and expensive—decision.

So which strategy is right for you?

Reasons to Remodel

  • You love your home, despite its flaws, and are willing to improve what is already there and put down even deeper roots.
  • You need a little more space—but not a lot more. Expensive as it is, adding an extra room still represents a smaller disruption to your life than moving altogether.
  • The market is heating up. A home addition is one of the most expensive home improvement projects you can undertake, but adding a new bathroom or bedroom can boost your home’s value by a huge amount in a hot market.

Reasons to Move

  • You need more space, different space, or new scenery. Major life changes like relatives moving in or new children being born may force you to reevaluate how much space you’ll need in the future—and which city or neighborhood you want to live in. If your further along in life or are stretched thin financially you may also need to downsize, and can save a lot of money doing so.
  • You need a change and can’t afford an addition. If you need more space and can’t afford to add it to an existing home, you may need to move. You should never start a home remodel that will put you underwater and endanger your family financially. It’s much better to make the sale and use the value towards a new mortgage on a more suitable property.
  • You are dissatisfied with your home, and you can’t imagine any amount of work fixing it. If your home will never make you happy you have nothing to lose by putting up on the market and seeing if life will take you somewhere better.

If you need to get your home fixed up and ready to sell, or you are plotting and planning out a home addition or renovation to give you an all-new bedroom or bathroom in the home you love, call Amber Valley Construction today. We’ll give you a 100% free quote with the best local, West Michigan small business service you could ask for.

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